SIS: Create Gradebook Assignments
Gradebooks are made up of categories and assignments.

Other Gradebook Articles:
Add a single Gradebook Assignment
Gradebook categories are required to add an assignment.

Teacher Connect > Gradebook: Assignment Button
- Open the Teacher Connect Gradebook
- Click the Assignment Button

- Select the appropriate Category
- Enter an Assignment Name
- Update Max Points if necessary
- Add Bonus Points (optional)
- Updte the Multiplier (defaults to 1)
- Select a Due Date (See the Progress Report Article for information on due dates and progress report grades.)
- Enter a Description (visible on the parent and student portals)
- Select Allow Comment to add comments about assignment score grades)
- Choose a Publish Date to determine when the assignment is visible on the portal
- Publish on Portal option should be Assignment and grade to display assignment information and the earned grade
- Display on Gradebook makes the assignment is visible in the gradebook
- Choose a Font Color
- Choose a Background Color
- Select a font decoration (Italic, Bold, Underline)
- Exclude Students - Excludes students from the assignment AND prevents the assignment from displaying on the portal.
- Learning Standards - Select Learning Standards (tasks) to attach to the assignment
- Save - Saves a copy in the current gradebook
- Save and Copy - Saves a copy in the current gradebook AND allows the assignment to be copied to other classes
- Reset - Clear all entries
- Cancel - closes window without saving
- Link to Classroom allows the assignment to be linked to a Google Classroom assignment.

Import Gradebook Assignments from CSV
You can import assignments and grades using the gradebook import button.
- Click the Import button
- Selec from CSV option
- Click download template with data for the csv template
CSV File
- Add the Assignment Name in row 1
- Add the Due Date in row 2
- Add Possible Points in row 3
- Add assignment scores
- Save the file
Import CSV File
- Import the saved CSV file using the Import button
- Browse and select the CSV file
- Click Next
- Select the gradebook category for each assignment
- Click Import Assignments
- Click Import grades