SIS: Create Gradebook Categories
Gradebooks are made up of categories and assignments. This article describes adding categories, but you may also want to review the articles on creating a gradebook template and adding a gradebook assignment.
Please check out the short training video at the end of this article.
Add a Gradebook Category
Teacher Connect > Gradebook > Setup: Add Category Button
- Open the Teacher Connect Gradebook
- Click the Setup Button
- Enter the Category Name * required field
Important: if you are using a third-party vendor like Schoology or Canvas, gradebook category names must match.
If the eSD gradebook category is missing or spelled differently, then grade transfers will not happen between the two systems.
- Enter Category Weight (Summation=1 and Averaging= % of marking period grade for that individual category)
- Use Drop Lowest and enter the number of lowest scored assignments that will be "dropped" from the category average
- Select Drop Highest and enter the number of highest scored assignments that will be "dropped" from the category average
- Select the Grading Method used to calculate a marking period grade
- Averaging when gradebook categories have different weights 20%, 30%, 50%
- Summation (Total Points) all categories have the same weight 1 or 100
- Do not use multiple grading methods in a single gradebook. When multiple grading methods are used, the marking period grade will calculate the average of the category averages.
- For Portal Display Options select Category Name and Details to display the category name and category average
- Set Text or Background Colors to assign colors to all category assignments
- Chose a Font Style of Bold, Italics, Underline
- Assignment Defaults to create new assignments using the defaults set at the category
- Set Max Points - Example: If most homework assignments are 20 points, set max points to 20
- Define Bonus Points - Typically not defined at the category level unless ALL assignments will have bonus points
- Set Multiplier - Typically not defined at the category level unless ALL assignments will have a higher multiplier
- Allow Comment - Select this option to allow assignment comments
- Display On Gradebook - Select this option to have all category assignments display in the gradebook
- Publish On Portal - Set to Assignment and Grade to have publish date automatically added to new assignments
- Click Save to save the Category
Copy Gradebook Categories
Teacher Connect > Gradebook > Setup: Copy Assignments Button
- Open the Teacher Connect Gradebook
- Click the Setup Button
- Click the Copy Assignments button
- Select the Target Class
- Click Compare Button
Select a new target class and repeat until all classes are setup with categories.
Training Video