SIS: Google Classroom Link Assignments

SIS: Google Classroom Link Assignments

*Requires G-Suite Setup Process to be completed by your district.  Click here for setup instructions.
Teacher Connect > Gradebook

Link Assignments

Import Assignments from Google Classroom

  1. Click the Gradebook Setup button
  2. Click Import Assignments button

  1. In the Import Assignments from Google Classroom dialog box select:
    1. Select the Teacher Connect Gradebook Category where the Google Classroom Assignment will be imported
    2. Select the Google Classroom Courses
    3. Select one or more Google Classroom Assignments
    4. Click Import

  1. Edit the imported assignment to enter the portal “Publish Date” to publish the assignment to the portals
  2. Save Gradebook Setup screen

The gradebook setup screen requires users to click Save to save any changes to the gradebook
  1. Click the Link Icon in the gradebook setup screen

  1. Select the Google Classroom Courses
  2. Select one or more Google Classroom Assignments
  3. Click Link

  1. Save the Gradebook Setup Screen

Sync Assignment Scores