SIS: Daily Score - Review and Update Gradebook

SIS: Daily Score - Review and Update Gradebook

Review and Update Daily Scores & Comments

Utilize the daily score detail screen in the Teacher Connect Gradebook to update individual students' daily scores.
The daily score update process runs daily at 1:30 PM and 12:30 AM and updates daily scores that equal ZERO when the modified date is within the last 7 days. 
Example: The student is absent  on 9/1/20## and earned a zero for the daily score. On 9/8/20## the student turns in an excuse and is now considered Absent Excused (AE).  The attendance officer enters the attendance event that updates the period attendance with the attendace reason, and then the daily score update process will update the daily score to the predetermined value.
NOTE: Only DAILY SCORES THAT EQUAL ZERO are updated in the overnight process. 

Teacher Connect > Gradebook

Option 1 - Gradebook

1. Open the Teacher Connect Gradebook
2. Scroll over to the Daily Score Category
3. Click on a student's Daily Score Average

4. Click in the Score column to enter a new daily score numeric value or an EX (Exclude) for one or more days
5. Click in the Comment column to enter a comment for one or more days
Comments are visible to parents and students.

6. Close the Daily Score Detail Screen to update the daily score category average for the selected student

Option 2 - Attendance Roster 

1. Open Teacher Connect Attendance Roster
2. Select a Date
IdeaNote: Attendance Comments can be entered for the current day or as many days as teachers can "back-date" attendance.
Example: Teachers who can backdate attendance for one day can add comments for today and yesterday; otherwise, they must use Option 1 to add attendance comments.
3. Enter Comments by clicking > on the attendance status 
Comments are visible to parents and students.
4. Enter Daily Score numeric values or an EX (exclude)
5. Use the Fill Down arrow to update all student's daily score with the entered value
6. Click Save to save the changes and update the daily score for the class

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