SIS: Attendance Roster Enter, Edit and Print Student Daily Score
- Record student attendance on the Attendance Roster screen by marking students Present, Absent or Tardy
- Review the Daily Score column while in the attendance roster screen
- Students who are Present for the class will display the default point value as defined in the gradebook setup screen
- Students marked Absent or Tardy will display the default point value as defined in the gradebook setup screen
- Edit/Update point values in the Daily Score column to reflect deduction or addition of points
- Enter an EX in the Daily Score column to exclude the student from the daily score
- Enter Attendance Comments by clicking the > to record additional information on the daily score grade
- Use the Calendar Tool to select a different day
- Click Save record student attendance and daily score
Enter, Edit or Print Daily Scores - Gradebook Screen
- From the Gradebook, locate the Daily Score Category
- Click a student’s Daily Score Average to view daily score details
- Click in the score column of any available to date to update a daily score
- Click in the comment column of any available to date to enter a daily score comment
- Closing the daily score window saves the changes to daily score and comments
- Click the Print to print the daily score report
- Click Excel icon to export information into excel