Help Center: Update Your Contact Information and Change Password

Help Center: Update Your Contact Information and Change Password

Keep your name and contact information up-to-date by editing your profile. Add new or additional phone numbers and update your primary email address. You can also change your password.

View or Update Your Profile

  1. From the top right, click the circle with your initials. Then click View Profile.


  1. From the left side, click Manage Profile.

  1. In Profile Details, click Edit Profile.

  1. Make changes to the information.

  1. Click Save at the bottom.
Changes to your contact information are applied immediately and affect where your emails or phone calls will be routed for your tickets.
If you update your email address, you’ll need to verify the new address. You cannot login again until confirming this change.  Once changed, enter the new email address on the Sign In screen when accessing the Help Center.

Click on any image to enlarge the view.

Change Your Password

  1. From the top right, click the circle with your initials. Then click Change Password.

  1. Enter your current password and then enter your new password twice.

  1. Click Update when finished.

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