SIS: Teacher Connect 2 Attendance Roster User Guide & Training Video

SIS: Teacher Connect 2 Attendance Roster User Guide & Training Video

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The eSD® Teacher Connect Roster is a tool for teachers to use to keep student attendance records current and viewing relevant  information.

  1.      Teacher Connect Roster views are customizable and can display different sets of information depending on the selected view
    1. Attendance view: Use to record student attendance, daily scores and attendance related comments
    2. Roster view: Use to display other relevant roster student information
Table of Contents
  1.  Accessing Teacher Connect Roster
    1. Bell Time Periods and Minute Block Periods
    2. Classes Filter
    3. Toolbar Options
    4. Data Entry Area
  2. Attendance View
    1. Actual / Potential Minutes Column
    2. Update Potential Minutes
    3. Attendance Status Details – Bell-Time Periods
    4. Attendance Status Details – Minute Block Periods
    5. Roster Codes
    6. Daily Score
    7. Student Shortcuts
  3. Class Roster View
  4. Seating Chart View
  5. Course Recommendations
  6. Class Labels
  7. Class Enrollment History
  8. Lunch Counts
  9. Field Trips
  10. Roster Reports
    1. Student Contacts
      1. Email Parents/Students or Both
    2. Attendance
    3. Buses
    4. Roster Codes

Video Content: Teacher Connect Roster 
Length: 01:13:00  recorded on 08/13/2019