SIS: Student Contacts Report

SIS: Teacher Connect Attendance Roster Reports

Teacher Connect > Roster: Reports

Student Contacts Report
Provides a printable list of student contact information.
  1. Click the Reports Button
  2. Select Student Contacts.
  3. Include Emergency Contacts in the report by selecting the Emergency Contact box and clicking Search.
  4. Click the Printer Icon to print the report, the PDF Icon to export to PDF or the Excel Icon to export into excel.
  5. Click the Email Icon to send group emails to Parents, Students or Parents & Students.
  6. Click Individual Email Address to send a single email.

Attendance Report
Generates Student Attendance Reports
  1. Defaults to the current marking period date range
  2. Filter by Students

Printable report of student bus assignments

Roster Codes
Reporting services for Roster Codes
  1. Defaults to the current marking period date range
  2. Filter by Students
  3. Filter by Codes