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SIS: View IEP, GIEP or 504

IEP, GIEP, 504 Indicator Dots

Staff with proper security access can view a student's IEP, GIEP or 504 by clicking the appropriate IEP Indicator Dot - 
Student > Student Profile > Student Profile
Staff > Staff Schedule Views > Staff Schedule Views: My Students 
Teacher Connect

LEAs that have direct access to Leader Services or DaRTS

  1. Click on the desired Indicator Dot 
  2. Click the View Button to view the IEP, GIEP, or 504 from the vendor
The view button opens approved documents created within the Leader Services or DaRTS software.
The view button does not open a document uploaded to the vendor. Instead, those documents must be uploaded to the eSD student profile.
  1. To view an uploaded document, click on the document in the list.

DaRTS requires that staff have a PPID in the staff record (System > Staff > Staff)
DaRTS maintains a list of staff names and their corresponding PPID numbers, which allows the opening of IEP, GIEP, and 504 Documents.
**Note: If one or more of your staff are unable to open a document and they have a PPID in their staff record, then please get in touch with DaRTS to update your list of staff and PPID**

LEAs that do NOT have direct access to Leader Servic or DaRTS

  1. Click on the desired Indicator Dot 
  2. Click an uploaded document