SIS: Gradebook Reverse Grading (Roll Learning Standard Grades to Affect Marking Period Average) with Video

SIS: Gradebook Reverse Grading (Roll Learning Standard Grades to Affect Marking Period Average) with Video

Teacher Connect > Learning Standards

CTC staff can use reverse grading to affect the students' marking period averages from grades selected in the learning standards (task list) screen.
  1. Add a single assignment called "Task Grades"  in the skills category of the gradebook and set the MAX points to 100
    1. To include the Task Grades  assignment score into a progress report, be sure to select a date in the progress report date range
  2. Open the Learning Standards Screen
  3. Select a Task List Grade
  4. A process runs on the hour & 1/2 hour that rolls the task grades up to the gradebook and into the "Task Grades" assignment created in step 1
    1. The "Task Grade" assignment comments display how many task grades were completed this marking period.
  5. Learning Standards grades roll up to the gradebook ONLY during the current marking period.  Once the MP or school year is over, the teachers will have to manually update task list grades in the gradebook.
    1. Example:  If you are in MP3 and go back to marking period 2 and select a task grade, the selection will not update MP2 gradebook
    2. If MP4 ended on 6/9 and on 6/10 the teacher selects a new task grade, the selection will  not update MP4 gradebook
Please check with your SIS Administrator to see if your district is enrolled in the reverse grading process.  Once the district is enrolled, any teacher can use reverse grading.

Content : Gradebook-CTC Reverse Grading
Length :   00:08:33 recorded on 03/16/2020