SIS: Report Card Builder Webinar

SIS: Report Card Builder Webinar

Scroll to the bottom to view the Report Card Builder Webinar.
The Report Card Builder allows customization of the report cards printed from Reports > Grade Reporting > Report Cards or from the Student > Student Profile.


Once security is set, the Report Card Template menu item will be found at System > Grade Reporting.
Update security in any user groups needing access to the Report Card Builder.
Please note that this security is unnecessary to run the custom report card for students.
Menu Level Permissions -System > Grade Reporting > Report Card Templates
Module Level Permissions- Grade Reporting > Report Card Templates
Templates can be created at the District or Building Level
  1.  Click the NEW button to enter a template name and click save.

 Using the Builder

  1. Click the Builder icon to create a template.   
  2. Select your first layout. (Center, left/right, etc.) 
  3. Drag and drop widgets into the layout boxes. 
  4. Update the settings and save for each widget at the gear wheel icon for more customization.   
  5. Continue with additional layouts and widgets and SAVE.
  6. Use the SAVE AS button to duplicate your template to create a similar report with minor changes.  
