SIS: Teacher Connect 6 Gradebook Standards-Based and Hybrid Grades User Guide & Training Video

SIS: Teacher Connect 6 Gradebook Standards-Based and Hybrid Grades User Guide & Training Video

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Video Content: Teacher Connect Gradebook Assignments and Learning Standards           

Length: 02:07:00  recorded on 08/12/2019


The Teacher Connect Gradebook is a customizable tool for teachers to use on a daily basis, at work or anywhere the internet is accessible. Teachers are able to utilize multiple grading methods, create assignment weights, run student specific performance reports, and much more.

All Connect Gradebook settings save to the teacher’s account, rather than to the cookies on their computer, and will be reflected upon each login, whether from school or from home.

This guide focuses on using the Teacher Connect Gradebook to record Learning Standards scores associated to assignments, for automatic calculation of Standards-Based Grades. It also includes recording Assignment scores and calculating Marking Period and Final Grades, for districts that want to use both Standards-Based Grades and Marking Period/Final Grades (Hybrid Grades).

 Table of Contents

  1. Accessing Teacher Connect Gradebook
    1. Help Menu
    2. Grading Options
    3. Settings
    4. Classes Filter
  2. Gradebook Setup Tools
    1. Setup Screen
    2. Assignments Section
    3. Exclude Students from Assignments
    4. Other Measures Section
    5. Assignment Scores
  3. Grade Entry: Assignments & Learning Standards
    1. Undo / Save
    2. Tools Toolbar
    3. Grade Entry Area
    4. Student Shortcuts
    5. Setup Toolbar
    6. Report/Import/Export Toolbar
    7. Column Menus
    8. Copy Standards Grades
    9. M.P.A. - Marking Period Average
    10. C.M.P.A. - Cumulative Marking Period Average
    11. P.F.A. - Projected Final Average
    12. Marking Period Grades
    13. Marking Period Comments
  4. Report Card Screen
    1. Marking Period Grades
    2. Semester Averages
    3. Final Grades
  5. Advanced Gradebook Functions
    1. Layout Options
    2. Single-Student View
    3. Setup Screen Toolbar Row
    4. Copy Assignments
    5. Restore Assignments
    6. Gradebook Templates
    7. Un-Link Template
    8. Templates Library
    9. Add Template
    10. Apply Gradebook Template
    11. Export Gradebook
    12. Print Gradebook
    13. Import Assignments and Scores