SIS: Gradebook Grading Methods

SIS: Gradebook Grading Methods

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Gradebook Categories and Grading Methods

  1. Gradebook Categories are used to organize assignments. 
  2. Grading Methods determine how assignment grades and marking period grades are calculated.

There are four grading methods available for Teacher Connect Gradebook. 

  1. Summation
  2.  Averaging
  3. Summation Percentage
  4. Raw Score to Percentage
Please note that the list available grading methods are controlled in the Teacher Connect Toolkit, so access to a particular grading method may not be available.

  1. Click the Help button on the Gradebook screen to view grading method definitions and examples.

Grading Methods Defined:

(1) Use Summation for a Total Points gradebook - *All categories have an equal weight of 1.

  1. Example Categories and WeightsHomework=1, Tests=1, Quiz=1

(2) Use Averaging when categories have an un-equal weight

  1. Example Categories and Weights: Homework=30%, Tests=50% and Quiz=20%

(3) Use Summation Percentage (not common)- *All categories have an equal weight of 1. 

  1. Example Categories and WeightsHomework=1Tests=1Quiz=1
    1. Assignment Score Calculation - Converts the number of points earned divided by the number of possible points and then multiplied by 100. The resulting grade is the percentage of the individual assignment grades. 
    2. Category Averages - The sum of the assignment percentage grades divided by the sum of the assignment multipliers. 
    3. Marking Period Averages - The sum of the category averages divided by the number of categories.
(4) Use Raw Score to Percentage when all categories have an un-equal weight

  1. Example Categories and WeightsHomework=30%Tests=50% and Quiz=20%
  1. Assignment Scores - Converts the number of points earned divided by the number of possible points and then multiplied by 10. The resulting grade is the percentage of the individual assignment grades
  2. Category Averages - The sum of the assignment percentage grades divided by the sum of the assignment multipliers
  3. Marking Period Averages - Category Averages are multiplied by the category weight and then added together

It is possible to use different Grading Methods for different categories, and then combine the grades for each category in an overall marking period grade. If a mixture of Grading Methods is used, the marking period average will be calculated as a straight average of all the category averages. 
When using a Grading Method of Summation or Summation Percentage all categories MUST be weighted with a 1. Using any other weight will multiply the weight x the possible x earned of each assignment before summation.
For additional Grading Method Examples please see the attached Quick Reference Guide.