SIS: Gradebook Assignments - Publish on Portal
Teacher Connect > Gradebook - Open the Gradebook
- Add or Edit an Assignment
- Select a Publish Date - The date the assignment appears on the portal.
- Select a Publish on Portal Option
- Not Published - Do not display the assignment on the portal
- Assignment Only - Display the assignment on the portal without a grade
- Assignment and Grade - Display the assignment and grade on the portal
- Use the Exclude Student area to not display the assignment on the portal for the selected students
- Click Save & Copy to save the assignment to the current and additional gradebooks
- Click Save to save the assignment to the current gradebook
Setting the Gradebook Category-Assignment Defaults to "Assignment and Grade" will default the new assignment's Publish on Portal Option to "Assignment and Grade" and default the Publish Date to the date the assignment is created. Then, teachers only have to update the publish date or select another option for publishing on the portal if desired.