SIS: eSD Mobile App for Staff

SIS: eSD Mobile App for Staff

Staff View

This lesson assumes you have downloaded the app and logged in. For more information, see the Mobile App Administration article.


  1. The School Name appears at the top of the Dashboard. If a user is associated with multiple schools, swipe left and right to access different Schools. Administrators who have access to all buildings will have a drop-down menu to select from a list.
  2. Any Unread Messages and Announcements appear within the Insights section.
  3. The Plus icon provides the options Scan Code and Message.
    1. If Students carry their phones and have installed the eSchoolData app, they can click on the student photo to bring up a QR code. Staff members can scan the QR code to bring up the student schedule
  4. Open additional options in the three-line menu at the top left.

Left Menu

  1. Classes provide information about the day's classes. Administrators will see all Classes in alphabetical order. The ability to filter by Teacher is available. For a preview, see the Classes tab below.
  2. Students provide a list of students rostered to a Teacher or all students for Administrators. Selecting a student allows the user to view their schedule. For a preview, see the Students tab below.
  3. Calendar provides key dates and events. Teachers will see events for their school, and administrators can toggle between the district and individual schools. For a preview, see the Calendar tab below.
  4. Messages take users to an Inbox of all messages with Staff, Students, and/or Parents. For a preview, see the Message tab below.
  5. Settings allows users to update account information and app settings. The Settings tab below provides a preview.
  6. Select Sign Out to be logged out and return to the login screen.

1. Filters appear at the top of the page. Teachers can sort by time frames on the left, including Today, This Week, This Month, and Term. Administrators also have the option to filter by Teacher. On the right, users can use the menu to change how classes are displayed in the menu. The course is chosen by default, displaying the Course Names alphabetically. They can also be sorted by Period Time, Course Number, Section Number, Teacher, and Room.
2. The Course card displays details about the course, including the highlighted Day Code. Select the card to view Class Details.

3. Active Students sorted by Last Name are the default for the Class Details.
4. Use the tabs along the bottom to take or view Attendance, view Classwork, and view Grades for the selected student.

5. Select a Student Name card to update their Attendance Status.

6. Present is set by default. Select Absent or Tardy to change the status.
7. Set an Attendance Reason if available. 
8. Toggle Verified or Note if available and enter Comments as needed. 
9. Select Update to record the attendance status of the student. 


The Students tab allows users to see all students they have access to.

1. Select a student's name card to view their schedule, attendance, and classwork.

2. The Student's QR code is accessible from the top right corner. Other staff members can use it to pull up the student's details. 
3. Select Contacts to view Guardian information. 
4. The student's Schedule appears with the current day's Day Code highlighted.

Student Guardian information appears after selecting Contacts. Review each Guardian's Pickup Permitted status before releasing the student to the Guardian. If the Guardian is flagged as Restricted, this information will appear as well. 


The Calendar tab notes any important events defined by the school, such as No School days. The Calendar can be filtered as needed to view information for various times of year. 

The Inbox displays any messages from Teachers/Staff to Parents and/or Students.

1. Unread messages are denoted with a blue dot. 
2. Select a Message Thread to view an existing conversation. 
3. Select the envelope to compose a new message.

4. Select any Recipients. This can be students and/or guardians. Guardians of students appear directly below the student and includes their relationship to the student. 
5. Enter the Subject and Body of the message. 
6. Select Send to send the message.

1. Language can be set to English or Spanish.
2. Theme can be set to Light, Dark, or System.
3. Users can reset their password. Adult users can also enable a biometric login. This is Face ID for Apple users, and for Android users, this is a thumbprint or fingerprint ID.