SIS: Gradebook Assignments with Attached Learning Standards or Tasks
SIS: Gradebook Assignments with Attached Learning Standards or Tasks
Scroll down to access the PDF document under Attachments
Teacher Connect > Gradebook
Assignments with Learning Standards display in the gradebook with a single column labeled Score, and the other columns are labeled with the name of the attached standard/task
Score Column – Affects the Marking Period Average in the gradebook
Score Column can be Auto Calculate - Sums the max points of each attached Learning Standard to determine the assignment score possible points, then it sums the earned points of each learning standard to represent earned points of the score column
Score ColumnNOT set to Auto Calculate - Means the score column requires manual entry
Standard/Tasks Columns - entering scores here rolls scores to the Learning Standards/Task Lists Screen
Enter Learning Standards scores and utilize the available score fill tools
Deletes current cell score
Fills empty cells in the column with the current score
Use the Learning Standard menu option to copy scores to all standards or to all standards and score column
Click in the Assignment Score column to enter scoresand utilize the available score fill tools
Deletes current cell score
Fills empty cells in the column with the current score
Enter free text comments on assignment scores (assignment comments display on the portals)
Assignments with learning standards attached, but without the auto calculate score
Staff will enter scores for Learning Standards and Assignment Scores
Assignments with learning standards attached, and with the auto calculate option selected
Assignment Max Points are the sum of the attached learning standards
Staff enter scores into learning standard columns
Learning standard scores are summed for earned points