SIS: Gradebook Import Gradebook Assignments and Scores from CSV

SIS: Gradebook Import Gradebook Assignments and Scores from CSV

Scroll down to access the PDF document under Attachments
Teacher Connect > Gradebook: Import

Create the .csv import file

  1. Click the Import Button
  2. Download the Import template by clicking the Download Template with Data link (Optional)
  3. Open the Template (Excel) file when prompted
    1. *Required fields: Student ID or Student First and Last Name or all three fields
    2. Add a New Assignment to the .csv file by entering:
      1. Name
      2. Due Date
      3. Possible Points
    3. Add a New Assignment Scores 
      1. Enter an assignment score for students
    4. Save the Excel file as a *.CSV file and close Excel


Import Assignments

  1. Return to the Gradebook
  2. Click the Import Button
  3. Use the Browse button to locate the .csv file
  4. Click Next to continue
  5. Select a Category for each new assignment
  6. Click Import Assignment
Clicking Close will stop the import

Import Grades

  1. Click Import Grades
  2. Green checkmarks verify imported grades
  3. Click Close


Third Party Gradebooks

Contact the CSIU if your district uses a third-party gradebook, as eSchoolData currently supports many third party gradebook vendors.