SIS: Finalizing Marking Period and Task List Grades for CTC Students

SIS: Finalizing Marking Period and Task List Grades for CTC Students

Scroll down to view the training video 
  1. Calculate Marking Period Grades for Sending Schools
    1. Open Teacher Connect and click the Gradebook Button
    2. Use Advanced Entry OR Report Card Entry to finalize marking period grades
    3. Scroll to the right and from the TOP of the Marking Period Column to locate and then click Calculate Numeric Scores
    4. Select or Type Marking Period Comments
  1. Marking Period Grades greater than 100% must be manually entered by the teacher
  2. Final Course Grades must be calculated along with the last marking period grade for the course

  1. Calculate Task Grades for Student Task List Completion
    1. Open Teacher Connect and click the Learning Standards button
    2. Click POST to unlock and finalize learning standards grades for the current marking period
In order for a teacher to have access to calculate task grades all year, they must have Grade Book Super permission.  Having this permission supersedes any lockout date/selection for the marking period on the calendar.  Teachers with this permission will be able to change marking period or task grades at any time.

        1.  Example of a correctly Posted Grade:  ADV (100-ADV)

    1. UPDATE - When the Post button was clicked and then students assignment scores/grades are changed.  Grades that need updated are listed in orange

      1. "Update" - updates the grade on the outside of the parenthesis to match the grade inside of the parenthesis
        1. PRO (100-ADV)    to  ADV (100-ADV)

Video : 00:26:31
Recorded: 04/19/2022