SIS: Cover Class Attendance Option for Teachers

SIS: Cover Class Attendance Option for Teachers

Allow teachers to view and record attendance for other teachers by enabling the cover class feature.

Security Settings

System > Administration > Group Maintenance
  1. Edit the Teacher Security Group.
  2. Select "Teacher Connect" in the module-level permissions (right side).
  3. Scroll to the bottom and select Cover Class and Attendance Roster
  4. Click Save

Cover Class

Record attendance for another teacher.
  1. From Staff > Staff Schedule Views > Staff Schedule Views: Today's Schedule
  2. Click the Cover Class icon 

  1. The Cover Class icon launches a new window where they can select the desired teacher 
  2. Clicking the Teacher Connect icon  will open the Teacher Connect Attendance Roster screen to record attendance.

Note: The cover class option allows access to the Teacher Connect Roster Screen only.