Add Gradebook Assignments with Learning Standards

SIS: Gradebook Add Assignments with Attached Learning Standards

Scroll down to access the PDF document under Attachments
Teacher Connect > Gradebook: Assignment
  1. Open the Gradebook
  2. Click the Assignment Button
  3. Complete all required fields *
  4. Enter Max Points for assignment
  5. Click Add Learning Standard
  6. Select the desired Learning Standard(s) or Task(s)
  7. Enter Max Points for each Standard
  8. Save the Assignment
Assignment Max Points and scoring options:
  1. When Auto Calculate is not selected, the assignment learning standards and the scores may be individually recorded
  2. When  Auto Calculate Score  is selected it sets the assignment Max Points to the sum of Learning Standard possible points, and then calculates the assignment score based on the earned points of the learning standards
Example using Auto Calculate:
Learning Standard 1 = 10 possible points 
Learning Standard 2 = 10 possible points 
Assignment Max Points (score) = 20 (affects the student's current MP Average)
  1. A student earns 7 out of 10 points for LS1 and 8 out of 10 points for LS2.  The “Auto Calculate” option will set the assignment Max Points to 20, and fill the score column with a score of 15 (7+8=15)
3. When Auto Calculate is not selected, the learning standards columns and the score column are individually scored