SIS: Gradebook Add, Copy or Restore Assignments with Video

SIS: Gradebook Add, Copy or Restore Assignments with Video

Scroll to the bottom of the article to watch a short video clip on adding a gradebook assignment.
Teacher Connect > Gradebook: Assignment
  1. Click the Assignment Button

  2. Select Category

  3. Enter Assignment Name

  4. Select a Due Date

  5. Complete Required Fields *

  6. Enter Max Possible Points

  7. Enter Bonus Points

  8. Assignment Multiplier may be used to add weight to an individual assignment

  9. Enter an Assignment Description (displays on portals)

  10. Allow Comment on assignment scores (displays on portals)

  11. Enter Portal Publish Date *Required to display assignment on portals

  12. Select a Publish on Portal option *Required to display assignment on portals 

  13. Display on Gradebook *Required for the assignment to be visible in the gradebook

    1. Do not disable if "Past Due = Zero" in gradebook settings

  14. Use Color (Text or Background Color) to make assignments stand out

  15. Additional Font styles include Bold, Italic and Underline

  16. Click the Exclude Students to exempt one or more students from the assignment

    1. Prevents the individual assignment from displaying on the selected students portal

  17. Click Save to save the assignment into the current gradebook

  18. Click Save & Copy to save the assignment in the current gradebook and copy to one or more additional classes

    1. Due Dates can be updated for individual classes using this copy method.

Content: Gradebook Add, Copy or Restore Assignment Video
Length:  00:07:26 recorded on 08/20/2019